Research Projects

Ongoing Researchs

1 Integrated Primary Eye Care Interventions in Ethiopia

2 Ethiopia Trachoma Adaptive Trial DAC Trial Planning Grant

3 Kebele Elimination of Trachoma for Ocular Health (KETFO)

4 Integrated Management of Presbyopia in Rural Ethiopia (IMPiRE)

Completed Researchs

1 Trachoma and Mental Health

2 Integrating Neglected Tropical Disease Campaign
Interventions into the Primary Health Care System (INCIPS)

3 Determinants of Eye Health Services Utilization (DESU)

4 Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness (RAAB) Survey


Why does research matter?
COVID-19 and eye care services in Ethiopia

Small-scale eye care research: why and how to do it

Trachoma and Relative Poverty: A Case-Control Study

Posterior lamellar versus bilamellar tarsal rotation surgery for trachomatous trichiasis

Mainstreaming NTD Campaign Interventions Into the Primary Health Care System